The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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1b) Sleeping Dogs
-Can't go wrong with either and they're both guaranteed to entertain you for at LEAST a weekend or more.
3a) XCom
3b) BL2 DLC
-XCom's gonna be daunting, unfair and more than likely will destroy you if you play above Normal your first time; it's not Nintendo-hard but it's close.
BEATING it though? One of the better gaming rewards you'll ever have.
-The BL2 DLC's either going to be a chore if you have no one to play with or a job if you and you have to co-ordinate with 3 other people.
If you do pick it, tell Twigg to get off his fuckin' ass and finish whatever he needs to do on his 360 copy so he can quit being a pussy and start playing on the PS3 version, finally.
5) Assassin's Creed 2
Also requires all of your attention if you're gonna beat it.
The story's so good that it warranted a set of pseudo-sequels while AC1 and AC3 only got you a forgotten PSP/Vita game and a DLC that nobody played.
Assassin's Creed IV doesn't exist without the numbers and popularity THIS title stirred up for the series.
6) Warhammer
-If you give your life to the whim of the Emperor while killing thousands of nameless Orks over an afternoon, this is for you.
The MP's a ghost town.Comment
Also I just triple fused to get a badass Ares. He tears shit up.Comment
Ares is really strong. I think eventually i got Loki and he just ripped through everything. Never get attached to them personas tho. I need to go back to my p3 game. I got p4g and stopped playing p3 completely. I'm like at dungeon 126 or something though...* Chrispy logs into KGs account to see what misogi wrote* [05:53 PM]Comment
Rakshasa is my dude though, the rest of them Personas are fodder for fusing.Comment
Decided to go with Infamous 2.
Dizzle, is it a long game?I give rep not thanks
My Audio Blog (Whoring)Comment
Probably about 12 hours. Could get quite a few more hours in if you do non-mandatory stuff.
If you end up really enjoying it, I would recommend looking into the inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood DLC. It was pretty good as well.Comment
If you're going for 100% I'm pretty sure I remember it taking me around 30 hours.
All of the SR3 DLC is pretty weak IMO. You're not missing much.Comment
I finally got back to playing The Witcher and saw that I haven't played it since September. I also realized that I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. Hopefully, things will start coming back quickly.Comment
If you do nothing else but eat, sleep, shit and game, you can beat it in at least 3 days.
A week to complete it 100%.
Should I have done the Saints Row DLC?
So... no.Comment