Hey Jay Cutler

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  • BigBucs
    • May 2009
    • 12758



    • packersfan4eva
      Ryan Luxem
      • Dec 2008
      • 9052

      What good does having Cutler out on the field do if he can't move or throw well?

      Originally posted by Miggyfan99
      I would get fucked in the ass for WS tickets too... only if Miguel was playing though


      • steeljake
        6 rings...
        • Oct 2008
        • 8752

        if he didnt sulk around and act like a baby and maybe try to help caleb or something then mayeb he could get some slack...

        23:33 OnlyOneBeerLeft: jake nobody listens to you aint you supposed to die from cancer or somethin soon?


        • Bmore
          The True Free-Man
          • Oct 2008
          • 6256

          Word on the streets is

          If this guy

          Can play with something torn... so can you!


          • stevsta
            • Oct 2008
            • 4670

            bear fans are very fickle ,",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",',",'as are most fans


            • manchild24
              Kyle got fired
              • Nov 2008
              • 5863

              Originally posted by 1ke
              Do we know how hurt he really is?

              Not gonna lie, it didnt take as long as I thought it would to make the "Cutlers a bitch thread". The way the line played, he OBVIOUSLY needed both his knees, so if you cant run you cant run. And i thought is was fairly obvious he couldnt move.

              Caleb was fine, did ok, but he did throw directly the fattest guy on the field.
              Jay Cutler will have an MRI on his left knee Monday and it is believed that he suffered a torn MCL in Sunday's season-ending loss to the Packers.

              Cutler is coming under heavy fire for not gutting it out and getting back in the game, but perhaps a torn knee ligament will make the critics back off. Then again, Philip Rivers did play on a torn ACL in the 2008 AFC Championship Game. Regardless, a torn MCL does not always require surgery and Cutler will likely be fine for training camp. We'll find out Cutler's exact diagnosis Monday afternoon


              • Acesuper
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2009
                • 2241

                I would die to get to the Super Bowl. But that is just Ace.


                • Tengo Juego
                  Posts a lot
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 4289

                  After Cutler went down a buddy jokingly texted me about him. I told him the Bears were better off without him. I still stand by that. No matter what happens with his knee.


                  • Maynard
                    stupid ass titles
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 17876

                    the first thing i thought when he came out was...who would ever come out of a title game if there was a chance they could still play?

                    my next thought...jay cutler.

                    He just strikes me as that guy. no heart.


                    • manchild24
                      Kyle got fired
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 5863

                      IDK - you look at the guys that have played hurt in big games
                      McNabb (ankle)
                      Big Ben - (just about everything from Crabs to a broken foot)
                      Rivers - torn ACL (probably one of the guttiest perforamances that won over his team mates).

                      or is it just the way Cutler presents himself on the sidelines and to reporters that give people a bad taste in their mouths. Is he the barry bonds of the NFL minus the BLACO.

                      Me personally I think he was too hurt to play, with a little bit of choke sprinkled in there.


                      • Houston
                        Back home
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 21231

                        6/14 80 yards 1 INT.

                        No wonder he didn't come back..


                        • Maynard
                          stupid ass titles
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 17876

                          thats the thing...who knows how hurt he was. saying he didnt look hurt is silly cause we just dont know. personally i dont care how he treats the media....they are shit bags anyways. i just think about how he looked to me on the sideline.

                          I see him walking around with a slight limp and i wonder how on earth a player could not be in the biggest game of his life? you are able to walk and you dont have an ice pack or crutches....a slight limp is all i see....i mean shit dude are you just playing for your check?

                          i guess you cant fault the guy for his motives to play the game. Hell look at the NBA....that entire league is based on paying for your check. I dont see him lasting as a starter though.

                          Cutler = Jeff George


                          • Spidey
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 923

                            I hate Cutler and have to admit its been hard not to join in jumping all over him for this but I'll wait for something official medically. If the guy is too hurt to play, he's too hurt to play. Better be serious though or that guy is going to get destroyed.

                            Now, he definitely could have handled it better and not sulked on the sideline though.


                            • Woy
                              RIP West
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 16372

                              ^ Shouts to MvP for the sick sig. GFX TEAM BACK



                              • 1ke
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 6641

                                People are just pre-disposed to hate the guy no matter what though.

                                Ok, here is whats known. He hurt the knee late in the 2nd quarter. He finished the first half with it. He got a pain killing injection at half time. The team medical staff didnt want him to play the third but HE wanted to give it a shot. He came out in the third. 2 run plays sets up a 3rd and 5. Hester runs a jerk route and Jay cant plant or move and throws the ball directly at his feet.

                                The entire staff figured to Collins healthy was better than Jay hurt. Although Caleb would have been better but thats another topic.

                                What i dont get, is how anybody can judge him based off of 3 second cutaways from FOX. Caleb said Jay helped him out alot. So how he is getting this quitters rep is still beyond me. I dont know how hurt he was, but he has gotten his ass kicked and not complained one bit.

