That was brutal.
I finally got around to seeing it.
Hardy misses his cue to come out. Stumbles to the ring. Ref throws up an X, audible is called, complete with Bischoff coming out for no reason, only to hide the mic and talk to both guys off the cuff. Hardy doing some weird shit with the crowd. Sting just saying fuck this and forcefully pinning Hardy. Sting breaking character going up the ramp.
Awful, end of WCW like shit.
I finally got around to seeing it.
Hardy misses his cue to come out. Stumbles to the ring. Ref throws up an X, audible is called, complete with Bischoff coming out for no reason, only to hide the mic and talk to both guys off the cuff. Hardy doing some weird shit with the crowd. Sting just saying fuck this and forcefully pinning Hardy. Sting breaking character going up the ramp.
Awful, end of WCW like shit.