XBOX Platoon[/SIZE][/B]
PS3 Platoon
PC Platoon
Heres my official guide on how to join with 4+ in 1 game. (using PS3 Images)
-First have the "leader" or someone go to Multiplayer->Server browser
-Then Click in right stick to get to the Filter screen.
-Once in the Filter page only have selected; The game MODE you want, PRESET you want, and select all the US SERVERS.
-hit B or O to back out back to the Server Browser screen.
-Click Refresh, X or [] .
-now starting from the last page (move your stick to the left) and search for FULL CONNECTION servers with 0/24 players.
This is where is will differentiate between PS3 and XBOX.................
PS3 users remember the server # your going to be playing on. Thats the Number your friends can search for using the SEARCH function and join your game right away.
XBOX users can either use the same steps as the PS3 users or go ahead and Join that server you want to get into, once in send a INVITE PARTY TO GAME (assuming your in a party chat room, which you should be) and everyone will be on your team.