Kindergarten Cop
I have no problem with paying full price for a new game.
I do have a problem with a company cutting out millions in overhead (not just the discs but the game cases, cover art, in store promotional items, etc.) and passing none of that along to the consumer.
That is exactly my point. I know someone (JMS?) made a smart comment as if I never want to spend full price on a game. Give me a fucking break. People's accounts get fucked all the time and then they are left not being able to play games that THEY BOUGHT. Look at me, someone hacked my Xbox account and stole points from me. My account was frozen for two months. Guess how many of MY games I could play? Just ones on discs fuck wads. But of course someone like Leaf will just say that it was my fault anyway, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of other people that went through the same problems. But if EA is going to be saving all of this money by cutting out retailers then they need to pass on the savings to us. But we all know that will never happen. It;s the same with in game ads and of course the shitty dash on Live. That thing is littered with ads but did M$ use that ad money to cut the price of Live or make it free? Of course not, they increased the price instead.
People that think paying full price for something that you can't pit your hands on are fools. You really have ZERO control with the products. People's accounts get fucked all the time and then they can't play games that THEY bought. Then you have the issue where you will constantly need an internet connection because of DRM issues. I still think only 50% of gamers even have their console online. Is EA really willing to lose half of their business? Really? And then of course I will bring up trading in games again. I rarely if ever trade a game in. But I know tons of people that would not be able to afford the hobby they love if they couldn't.
Not to mention that it will be YEARS after full digital that companies like MS especially would ever even consider offering sales on these games on THEIR service. If you guys think it's going to be like Steam from day one I feel sorry for how gullible you are. Just look at how long it took XBLA and PSN games to go on sale for the forst time. Fuck, look at the shitty Games on Deman service that MS already has. They just had their FIRST sale last week since the inception of the service and they were all pretty shitty to mediocre games, and old as fuck at that.
So am I the naive one, or all of you guys that think this is going to be great? Keep thinking this is going to be good for console gaming you clowns.