I don't even know if I want a definitive conclusion to the Walt and Jesse story...I know we'll get it, but I don't know if I want one.
Everyone on this show has, in some regard, made their bed...which is great.
One of the smartest thing Vince Gilligan did was making Walter Jr. a retard. Seriously, if he made Walter Jr. just another KID in a TV show, his awfulness would take away from the power of the show and honestly take him out of being any kind of sympathetic character. But you not only make him a retard but cast a real special needs guy to play the character and somehow, during the terrible scenes involving this character, you can't go all-in and wish him death (for the most part).
I still want a lot of bad things to happen to Walter Jr., but he's retarded, so, I just kind of want him to fall down a flight of steps.