New member
Wait just a minute... a rookie got lucky because defenses had a shortened preseason? So did the defense get unlucky that this kid just came from the SIMPLEST college read option spread offense into the NFL and TORCHED an NFL defense? So.... basically... a ROOKIE.... with no OTA's, training camps, and limited reps and practice time is lucky to humiliate an NFL defense with almost the EXACT same core and system as they ran last year? Makes sense... watch out, bigbucs may get mad that you are trying to overtake him as the worst poster on VSN.
ah yes, the pointless e-penis troll response. I just gave an opinion dude. if you dont like it, tough cookies. The truth is the NFl has been dumbed down the last few years, And 2 bad teams had a minor shoot out in a week one where defenses are very poorly prepared. everyone can pass for big yards now, it proves nothing. I honestly doubt the Panthers will get remotely close to half of what that preformance was on Sunday. I already said it but..the next 4 opponents will drive QB pretty boy into the ground...now, if he ends being that talented, thats not a bad thing, it will be cool to see..but he wont come remotely close to the success Brady or Sanchez or Roethlisberger had early on and they didnt even have his physical talents..and of course he wont do well because his surrounding team sucks as a whole LOL
bizarre things always happen the first 2 and last 2 weeks of a season. the rest of the year ,the panthers will be lucky to cover games let alone try to win some.