You're kidding, right?
There are five or six active QBs right now who are more accurate than Marino.
Brees, Manning, Brady, hell even Jon Kitna.
I'm not saying they're better than Marino, but to say he's the most accurate QB you've ever seen? Really?
Good lord Dave. This is right up there with your Steelers arent a running team....
Dan Marino probably most accurate passer Ive ever seen. Aikman, Manning would be no1 but Aikman didnt pass enough and Manning had retard easy defenses. They are the only guys in the conversation. ((Warner can squeeze in there))
Marino is also the best pure QB and passer ever.
None of that makes a guy GOAT. I think Barrys best pure runner ever , Moss best pure receiver ever but it takes more than purity and individual talent to be the best.
im not as knowledgable as you guys but....
cant we credit some of D stats to the QB? If Montana was that good in the WCO eating clock wouldnt this make the D better? More rest? More time to adjust?
QBs absolutely have a bearing on defense but clearly not some monumental control. Anyone whos watched Peyton Manning over the years knows how hes called games differently depending how his defense was doing and of course clock management.
Marino outside of his fake spike had no clue what clock management was.
He was given too much control in Miami and all he did with it was pass pass pass pass pass. Great for regular season but you cant pull that in the playoffs and it showed.
Also, ranking QBs based on how many rings they won is not a good argument, it just became standard somehow so people roll with it. Stop giving individuals credit for team accomplishments.
No player has as much influence on the outcome of the game as a QB. Some teams mask there QB,rely on defense , or RBs when they have a guy who isnt capable. The guys we're discussing were the focal points of there teams. They werent asked to "not lose" games. They were told they had to win them. With that your talking about the creme of the crop and first glance will reveal nothing. You need to split hairs to seperate players at this level. Rings is the first place you start splitting.
I've never bought the "no rest" idea, because its the defense's job not to remain on the field for long stretches of time. I do think that if a team controls the ball and has several 7-8 minute drives, this leads to lower-scoring games and will make the defense look better, albeit superficially, because they aren't giving up a lot of points.
Getting early leads and sitting on the clock is the best way to help a defense.
If game after game they are playing with short fields or on the field in general for more plays it hurts the defense in the long run.
Im not faulting Marino for scoring too quick mind you but air it out offenses of the 80s/90s looked good on stat sheets. Just dont forget with that come long stretches during games and seasons where 3 and out or quick INTs put them in bad holes or bad situations that you have to again..pass your way out of. There was little difference with what Marinos Dolphins were doing than any run and shoot team. You live by it you die by it. When bad weather came around , or facing top defensive teams flinging it away 3 in a row suddenly isnt a successful philosophy. That shows up in the post season.
I hate the both of them for various reasons, thats besides the point. What I cant stand is how everyone talks about being a great QB you need to win a super bowl (yeah I know Dilfer and some of the guys who won one dont belong on the same field with these guys). Well Marino has ZERO. But then when they compare the QBs of today they compare them to the greats like Elway, Marino and Montana. Which is it already? Every one of Marino's records has been broke except for yards in a season and Brees missed that by like 16 yards. I just dont get it.
I personally think Favre (who Im not a fan of either) vs Montana would be a better arguement right now. Favre atleast has a ring and holds more records. What will be an even better conversation will be Manning vs Montana.
Theres just no basis for Marino being no.1. None.
Rings- No
Stats- No
Performances- No.
Aliens land and sake of humanity is on the line which QB in there prime would lead your team ??- No.
Montana easily takes Rings , Alien challenge ,and Performances.
Only arguments are the WhatIfs ? Unless you can tear the fabric of reality and change history at will it will never hold up.