the more i play this game the more i think its not that great. all you do is go into an area, hack and slash bad guys, pick up loot. everything is setup the same too. a very large area with 3 or 4 caves scattered in it. each one you go into is either a small little square area or a larger looping area with a level 1 and level 2 section. its an extremely repetitive game.
looting is boring because nothing you get is that great. 99% of what i find is salvaged. i avoid anything that isnt blue or yellow because anything else has no value. i forge anything i have but even that doesnt matter because nothing you make is anything more than a numeric value. is has no visual value cause you cant really see anything cool your guy is wearing.
im playing as a wizard. im up to level 22 now and i find the newly unlocked powers to be very disappointing. i still use the same powers i unlocked in the beginning of the game. i expect the powers to look cooler and be alot more powerful as i progress. this is not the case with the wizard class.
people will say cool shit comes in the 2nd and 3rd play through...well, i dont see how anyone can survive the repetitiveness of the game to make it through the first play through. the game is polished and the combat is fluid and fun....but the fun is wearing off because its the same thing over and over