I know I'm probably in the minority, but here's what I would like to see from the drops.
In my opinion, for the majority of your playthrough on normal you should only find normal weapons with only a few blue or magical items thrown into the mix in the later acts and at most a handful of yellow or rare items thrown into the final act if youre lucky.
In nightmare, magic items should become more commonplace and rares essentially take their place as the tems you covet with again legendary and set items maybe cropping up in the final act.
Hell and Inferno should be the time you finally start to see the set and legendary weapons with them becoming slightly more prevalent as you progress through the acts. Even so, they should not be commonplace.
I guess I'm just sick of finding legendary weapons leveled at 25. Most people who play the game play through normal, nm, hell, and now inferno and I would like to see a change in the drop system to account for this. Legendary weapons should be just that, legendary. Put a lvl 55-58 level restriction on them and only have 3rd tier items be legendary. I hate finding or buying a legendary weapon with a handfull of cool buffs and having to give it up for a magic item of a higher tier because its damage or armor is so severely outclassed.