I think for the hardcore fan, the league has jumped the shark a bit. Its gotten too big for its own good, and its overexposed. I think we are all NFL'd out to some degree. It gets too much coverage. I think its telling that the few people here who are mad about the lock out are GB fans. Of course they're bummed, I would be too.
I'm in the same boat as Killgod. Two or three years ago, I was NFL obsessed. I still like it, a lot, but I don't live it/breathe it anymore. I don't get excited about random games, and never watch Thursday/Monday/Sunday nighterd unless the Rams are playing. I put in my 8 hours Sunday afternoon, then forget about it for six days. I don't live on the internet refreshing stltoday.com/rams like I used to. Haven't logged on to nfl.com in years. Don't care about the draft, even a little, and couldn't tell you right now who the Rams even drafted beyond the first round, which even surprised me when it came up in a thread a few days ago. If you quized me on the 32 first roundrs, i'd get maybe 5 right.
So yeah, everyone here will be back into it Week 1, but I do think the train is slowing down. Everything is cyclical. I think the NFL has peaked, and the lock out will hurt interest to a small degree.