I guarantee you, college football will become HUGE if any NFL games are missed. It's already fucking huge, look at the TV deals the networks are throwing out. They are forking over literally billions of dollars to broadcast college games. Already college football has overtaken the NBA and MLB in TV dollars. That shit is like crack to certain sects of America, and on a national scale it's always been great for gambling. The only two things holding it back from being the most popular sport in America, just based on gross number of fans, are the playoff thing and the fact that there is no legit fantasy football structure there yet.
Which is why I say that any NFL games missed will be huge for CFB. All the degenerate gambling and fantasy geek power will be channeled directly into one concentrated form. Sure there are plenty of pro-only football fans who are not totally immersed in the game, either because they have no team allegiance or for whatever reason they just don't give a shit. But if Saturday is your only chance to get your football fix, and subsequently all the excusable day drinking, degen gambling and fantasy geekhood that comes with it, chances are that you eventually hop on board.
College Football is the greatest game on the planet when it's in its top form. There are plenty of warts, but it can certainly overtake the NFL, which has made a number of missteps in the fan relations and entertainment in the past 2-5 years.