You are looking at this from a NY perspective. NY is a pro town, always has been, always will. And its also a baseball first town. Nobody will ever care about CFB in NY. Even the Knicks and St Johns when they are good are neck and neck with the NFL. Its not a big football city in comparison to others. Most Giants/Jets season ticket holders are from Jersey and Connecticut. Its Yankees/Mets first all year long.
When I first moved away from Jersey, I was shocked at the sports culture change. Baseball gets no play here. None. At all. CFB is number one. They talk it year round, 24/7. Recruiting, spring games, shit puts me to sleep. But they eat it up. NFL is an afterthought. NBA doesn't exist. College hoops is #2 to CFB. Its 'different' in the south.
CFB owns rural america. Its NY/Chicago/big cities that are pro towns and likely always will be.