wired controllers are the answer for pc gamed. you do need to get the driver...nice to see MS actually supports this now
I played skyrim on the 360 with a controller and loved it....but on a pc the m/kb is the way to go imo....but you could use the controller if you like. u should have a controller regardless.
here are my favorite skrim mods in no order
Climates of Tamriel
Realistic Lighting Overhaul
Magic Duel Reborn
Amazing Follower Tweaks
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
HD Enhanced Terrain
Wearable Lanterns
Player Homes
The Asteria
Build your own home
Dragon Falls Manor
I have more than these, but the nexus manager is down for maintenance right now. I use mods that enhance the visuals and ad to the experience. Im not interested in altering the games core play with silly things like the death star mod or the macho man dragons. the asteria might be a floating ship, but at least its a dwemer built ship
I would go to the skyrim nexus and check out the latest and all time most popular. check to see how many downloads a mod has had...alot of them are stupid, but the great thing about the nexus is install is simple and activating and deactivating are even easier.
I would be careful with the ENB visual mods. they seem like a real pain in the ass and the end result isnt worth the hassle