one thing that bothers me is the lack of custom load outs or even being able to preset weapons or spells to the dpad or buttons.
they have the back button being used just for waiting. and the B button used for the items menu. but then they also have more menus under the start button. imo things like waiting do not need their own button and could be put into the pause menus with all that other stuff. Same with the B button items menu, all that stuff could be put into the pause menu.
then those buttons could be used to have a quick button to equip a weapons set, or spells. Right now you have favorites by pushing up on the DPad. this pauses things so you can equip a favorite weapon. but then the down, left and right dpad are not being used at all. Why not allow people to use those for load outs?
even oblivion had the dpad utilizing quick choice options so you can select things on the fly real time