Andy Farrell broke his nose; they reset it on the pitch and then taped it up, 15 mins later he got it smashed all over his face. There was no way to reset it, so he just carried on. The doctors told him to lay off playing for 4/6 weeks, but he was back on the pitch that next Saturday. In 2006, Wigan the once mighty Super Club of Rugby League were firmly at the bottom of the league and looking at relegation for the first time in their history. Kris Radlinski who had retired due to being unable to walk as his knees were so bad, came out of retirement and offered to play for NOTHING, just so Wigan wouldn’t go over the salary cap. Before and after each match he received pain killing injections, and his remarkable commitment to the club was the inspiration to not only avoid relegation, but they only missed out on the play offs by millimetres. Name ONE footballer that would risk permanent disability AND play for nothing?
Wayne “Buck” Shelford played for the All Blacks and is famous for the infamous “Battle of Nantes”. Roughly 20 minutes into the match, he was caught at the bottom of a rather aggressive ruck, and an errant French boot found its way into Shelford’s groin, somehow ripping his scrotum and leaving one testicle hanging free. He also lost four teeth in the process. Incredibly, after discovering the injury to his scrotum, he calmly asked the physio to stitch up the tear and returned to the field to play.