KNUBB has slipped into hopeless homer territory, here. His posts are flat out ridiculous, bordering on demented.
The idea that Roger Goodell is playing up and exaggerating an embarrassing and disgusting story like bounty hunting is patently ridiculous, and does his league more harm than good. Again, if Goodell wanted to glorify this story, he would have done so two years ago. Instead, he gave the Saints a chance to cut the shit and wanted to sweep it under the rug. But the Saints were so dumb and brain dead, that they defied the commish, lied to him, and kept it going. So KNUBBS lame theory is dead right there.
Also, KNUBB keeps citing "no evidence", despite COACHES AND PLAYERS FROM THE FUCKING TEAM coming clean and admitting what went on.
But hey, the word of a low life like Vilma and wacky conspiracy theories supersede common sense, I guess.
Homer power is strong.