As you probably know, many people were unhappy with the ending of Mass Effect 3. One of these people is me. Now I'm a sucker for happy endings, I wish the ending scene wash shephard with his LI, but I'm not unhappy because the end wasn't happy. I annoyed because nothing you did mattered in the end.
You spend the whole game collecting war assets, but in the end, they don't make a difference. Like Deus Ex, the ending is just a choice, one out of three. NOT EVEN RENEGADE OR PARAGON. And then there's Shephard dieing. IMO, the perfect ending should have been Shephard surviving, like if you Collect almost 100% of the war assets. And if you don't have enough, Shephard can sacrafice himself for the greater good. The writers did a cop-out like in lost- in the end none of the choices, none of the things that happened matters.
Another problem is that there's no epilogue, you're just left hanging as to what happens to everyone. Your crew (which we have no idea why they were going through a mass relay) crash lands on a random planet. With no Mass relays, and the ship broken they're stuck there. Because they need different foods Either Tali and Garrus would die, or only the two of them would survive. And then there's the matter of all the combined galactic fleets STUCK IN THE SOL SYSTEM. They just leave us hanging. The galaxy, while still alive, most individuals are pretty much screwed.
When dragon age 2 came out, people complained how you weren't the same Grey Warden as the first. Bioware responded that the DA series is about the region. Well the Mass Effect Trilogy is very much about Shephard. He is a projection of us, the player, and we grow very close to his crew. This is why the ending, while the galaxy is saved, it still feels unfufilling.
And then there's the manifestation of the forc- er I mean the cosmic start child. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT. The reapers (synthetic life) wipe out organics to prevent synthetic life from wiping out organics? A bit Hypocritical. And, that wasn't even the original planned ending---
Several months ago, a partial script for Mass Effect 3 was leaked to the internet. Bioware apparently changed part of the script based on the feedback from the fans. BUT, what most of the fans complained about was how little of Miranda's ass was in the game. And guess what? Bioware didn't change that. Miranda (and the other squadmates from ME2) barely show up at all. But here's something they did change. Here's a quote about motives of the reapers:
"The Reapers' goal was to find a way to stop the spread of Dark Energy which would eventually consume everything. That's why there was so much foreshadowing about Dark Energy in ME2.
The Reapers as a whole were 'nations' of people who had fused together in the most horrific way possible to help find a way to stop the spread of the Dark Energy. The real reason for the Human Reaper was supposed to be the Reapers saving throw because they had run out of time. Humanity in Mass Effect is supposedly unique because of it's genetic diversity and represented the universe's best chance at stopping Dark Energy's spread.
The original final choice was going to be "Kill the Reapers and put your faith in the races of the galaxy in finding another way to stop the spread with what little time is left" or "Sacrifice humanity, allowing them to be horrifically processed in hopes that the end result will justify the means."
Remember Haestrom from ME2? (Tali's recruitment mission) Remember how they seemed to be foreshadowing Dark energy being important? Remember how they threw it out the window and went with this instead? (This is paraphrased):
The Reapers goal is that they are working to prevent a technological singularity. The quick definition of a "technological singularity" is basically a point when the machines of a civilization become more advanced than their creators and they are able to outdo their creators in pretty much every way imaginable.
The game attempts to justify the Singularity Motivation because all it takes is ONE incident with A.I. to bring about an apocalyptic war that would destroy all organics. Project Overlord was a very, very clear example of this: Cerberus nearly destroyed the entire galaxy. Organics lucked out big time that the Geth were so understanding and that A.I. like EDI are tame (and even then, EDI did something in the past before ME2 that may make you view her in a very different light: Mass Effect 3 reveals this).
The Reapers aren't hypocrites (in concept) in the Singularity Motivation because they don't perceive themselves as machines wiping out organics. They see themselves as immortal vessels that preserve a civilization forever that just happens to be synthetic. They see themselves as the saviors of organics for letting them grow and prosper and then harvesting them before they evolve to the point of singularity. "Imposing order on the chaos of organic evolution" as Sovereign said.
Sure, we have our opinions, but the dark energy makes a lot more sense to me. And what's horrible about it is that, because of the script leak, Bioware CHANGED it to the crappy thing we have now.
So basically I'm just saying that Bioware screwed up and made the ending of an Epic trilogy dissapointing. I'm not saying they need to change the ending, but if they were to release a dlc changing the ending, I wouldn't be opposed.
Oh, and by the way, what the HELL was up with the Human-Reaper at the end of ME2 (seriously, I don't even know. If you know, say something.)