Need to take some big offence to this one. Are we talking Hal Jordan? The Hal Jordan that was consumed by Parallax and destroyed Coast City? The Hal Jordan who is still defined by his day's as a pilot, so obviously his love interest will be Carol Ferris. Much of Green Lantern does take in space, obviously. Enemies almost inherently have to be on different planets. However, the core relationships for Hal are Guy, John Stewart and Kyle Raynor, all Earthlings. He received the ring on Earth, and when he dies it will be on Earth.
There is a reason that Earth is at the centre of the multi-verse. Thus, any GL movie will have to take place on Earth. To expect first time Green Lantern movie goers to know WTF Korugar is and why Sinestro had to dominate it is ridiculous.
Looking at the IMDB so far, the two villains are Hector Hammond (an earth based villain with an enlarged brain) and Sinestro. Even Sinestro could be good, since prior to Hal, he was the Corp's prized asset.
If you can't tell, I love the GL. And have huge hopes for it. It does not have to be a retelling of Blackest Night for me to love it