Man’s obit claims ‘heartbreaking disappointment caused by the Kansas City Chiefs football team’
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Apparently, the Chiefs have more to answer for than we thought. (Getty Images)
Oy vey. It's bad enough when you're the worst team in football, as the Kansas City Chiefs most likely are. The Chiefs are 1-8, they have a negative point differential of minus-110, a turnover differential of minus-20, and things do not look bright for the franchise's future. Most likely, head coach Romeo Crennel and general manager Scott Pioli will be looking for new gigs once this season is over.
On top of all that, and according to one man's obituary, the Chiefs have a singular responsibility one wouldn't generally tie to a football team. On Nov. 14, 81-year old Loren G. "Sam" Lickteig of Missouri passed away from ... well, we'll just go with the
Kansas City Star obit verbatim:
Loren G. "Sam" Lickteig passed away on Nov. 14, 2012 of complications from MS and heartbreaking disappointment caused by the Kansas City Chiefs football team.
Ouch. We knew the Chiefs were bad, and we certiainly don't want to make light of such things, but either the late Mr. Lickteig, or someone in the late Mr. Lickteig's family, wanted to send a very pointed message to their most disappointing football team.