I don't understand this "eyeball test" thing. I've seen with my eyes what the guy can and has done. The guy has had some excellent games, especially last year, down the stretch, when the "pressure" was on.
And I never said Romo has never played any excellent games. I just said when I have seen him play I've never come away overly impressed, or he's never shown me anything he's done to show me he's an elite QB.
It's the NFL....most every QB during the course of the season will have an excellent game or two.
I also think it's hilarious that you say you don't "understand the eyeball test thing" then go on to describe it, while ignoring the obvious irony of the fact that while Cowboys fans feel Romo is disrespected for seemingly no other reason than that he's a Cowboy, you overlook the fact your own ":eyeball test" could be skewed because of your own love for him/your team.
This irritates me. Rodgers is barely above .500 as a QB and Romo's team still finished better than his last year.
Gee ya think?
Wow impressive stuff there..which is why I qualify it two sentences later by saying that if I'm starting a generic team I'm taking Rodgers based on what tools he has compared to how Romo's tools stack up.
Football is obviously a team game. I don't think you'd find any sane fan of football that would put ANY good amount of blame on the Packers "barely .500" record over the last two seasons on Rodgers. He's not a perfect player(nobody is) but if you are making a top 10 list of problems with the Packers over the last two season Aaron Rodgers doesn't even sniff it.
How has he stagnated if that's your criteria? Again, double standard. :ionno:
Put it in context of the discussion. Mainly the next post I make about Rodgers benefiting from the hype Romo was receiving a few years ago. Rodgers is now the "hot name", the Cowboys have stagnated so Romo has lost some of that hype machine. I'm not saying it's "fair". I was making an observation as to one reason why Rodgers is more popular than Romo right now as a "better, up and coming, break out" etc etc QB.
Sorry if that wasn't clear enough...........?
Your opinion, but the standards you based it on make me skeptical.
Of course they do.
But if I simply came in here and said Romo>Rodgers while giving no reasons you wouldn't have been skeptical at all because you agree with my statement. You wouldn't have quoted me, you wouldn't have asked me "why" etc etc.
You'd be "skeptical" of most any reason I gave in this thread trying to show Rodgers>Romo because it goes against your own opinion.