Freeman Error
Romo has a career INT Rate of 3.0. Rodgers is only 1.8 which means Romo gets picks naerly twice the amount of Rodgers and I said nearly. But that wasnt the only the only thing I said. I like how you nit picked one thing in my post and ignored the rest especially age factor. Keep your blinders on and ignore everything around you just like a typical Dallas fan. And BTW the Cowboys haven't done shit in forever, nobody hates the Cowboys because the Cowboys are not relevant.
Yes, everyone hates the Pats but nobody gives a crap about your LOLfail coach or your ludicrous owner or over hyped players. I like how Roy Williams gets more publicity than 80% of the WR in the league and he sucks donkey dick.
Idiotic to say. The Cowboys are incredibly relevant as they are one of, if not the most, valuable franchise in the league.Simply because they haven't won a Super Bowl since 1996 doesn't make them irrelevant.
They are incredibly valuable, have a huge nation wide fan base, are at least in the playoff hunt conversation on a yearly basis, sometimes in Super Bowl talk and garner headlines for a variaty of issues.
I'm not a Cowboy fan by any stretch but to say they aren't relevant is retarded