So now I need some help...I am looking to get some deal done to get an RB...currently this is my team
QB(2 start)- Stafford, Vick, Henne
WR(3 Start)- R Moss, Megatron, Lloyd, Ward
HB(2 start)- Hillis, Jarvus Green, Woodhead(WR/RB), Torain, P Thomas
TE- Tammie(Dallas Clark'd

Def- NYJ D
K- Crosby
I offered Henne/Moss/Torain for Gore/Steve Johnson and he declined...if I leave out Steve Johnson, do you think that is still a good deal for me? I could pick up TJack, Delhomme, McCoy, Bruce Grad for QBs...donno why the hell these people are available in a 12 man league...and then I'll just pick someone up for WR/HB who is looking good.