Whats everyones thoughts on the RB position in Washington???
Obvious Portis is #1, but whos going to be #2? Parker and Johnson both have sucked up the preason, so you know one will be cut... Torian plays SPT and is a former Shanahan guy.
I doubt they keep four backs, so whos the odd man out?
I have Willie Parker on my team, but should I drop him since I have a chance to pick up Torian. I have Portis already so I need an insurance policy... I can't pick up Johnson he's already claimed.
Here's my team again:
16 Team League
Snake Draft
QB Matt Schaub, Hou QB
RB Frank Gore, SF RB
RB Jahvid Best, Det RB
RB/WR Clinton Portis, Was RB
WR Calvin Johnson, Det WR
WR Derrick Mason, Bal WR
TE Antonio Gates, SD TE
D/ST Giants D/ST,
K Joe Nedney, SF K
Bench Joe Flacco, Bal QB
Bench Donald Brown, Ind RB
Bench Brian Westbrook, SF RB
Bench Brandon Lloyd, Den WR
Bench Antwaan Randle El, Pit WR
Bench Tony Scheffler, Det TE
Bench Willie Parker, Was RB
-Need some advice on how to improve. I'm thinking I'm weak at WR. Any suggestions?