I just updated my excel sheet with my expenses on the PSN. Fun Facts for you guys.
- I've Spent a total of $232.14 on PSN/PS1 Games (I'm not counting PS3 or PS3 DLC)
- The average amount I spent on a game is under $4
- I've gotten 32 games for free
- If you take away the free games, I spend about $6.25 for a game on the PSN
- I have never bought DLC for a downloadable game
- The most I've ever spent on a game is 14.99 (Braid) *Not counting the Walking Dead season pass*
- I've spent $10+ on only 5 games (Braid, Burn Zombie Burn, Zombie Apocalypse, Super Stacker and just today, PAYDAY) So yea that is very rare for me
- Of the 69 titles I have, I've technically only beaten 3 of them.
- The best game I own that nobody knows about is HOARD.
I'll update the 360 one tomorrow or later tonight.