Hit the jump for a full breakdown of issue locations.
Issue #1: The first Playboy is impossible to miss as it is sitting right on your kitchen counter, in plain sight of children, houseguests, and anyone else you don’t mind scarring for life.
Issue #2: The second issue can be found in the gun shop located on the way to the mission objective.
Issue #3: The third mag can be found in the diner, which you'll also pass on the way to the mission location.
Issue #4: Before you proceed to the mission checkpoint, backtrack slightly to the nearest clothing store (check the mini-map), and apologize to the female clientele before picking up the fourth issue.
Issue #5: Start the demo mission, and fight your way into the warehouse. Once you get off the elevator, clear out the forward room, and proceed to the back staircase. Once you take out the two goons on the upper floor, check out the crates along the left wall to find the fifth and final issue.