Glen, most of the 21 Week 1 "mistakes" from that Deadspin article are of the mundane variety. From missed PI calls, to utter nonsense like announcing the wrong player for an offsides penalty.
I'll stop there. You can nit pick and do this any week, any season, real refs or scabs. YAWN.
Then there is this:
LOL @ Deadpsin making as issue of this one. This happens all the time, and does not effect the outcome of the game in any way. Who gives a fuck? This is the reaching i'm talking about, stuff we only care about because its the evil scab officials who are really stupid and dumb.
And finally, this:
This one was the Rams game, and I heard a bunch of goofball Rams fans complaining about it. The Lions lineman never made contact with a defensive player while beyond the line of scrimmage, so there is no penalty here. Again, people looking for things to bitch about when nothing is there.
There are a few legit LOL worthy mistakes in that article, but most of it is the same shit you see with the supposedly awesome real officials. Deadspin was really reaching with most of these, here.