The broken protocol IS the smoking gun.
No it isn't. Not to people with common sense. The seals were intact, that's all that matters since the samples were not handled in an out of the ordinary way.
You are clinging to this technicality (which may not even hold up in court, btw) like you are Braun's mother, or something. Use your brain, bucky. Forget the semantics of badly written policy.
Did MLB come out and site in the official, legal documentation that describes how the samples are to be handled and shipped? Or did they just come out and say what they normally do?
MLB made their official statement, that's all you are going to get from them. They "vehemently" disagree with the arbitrator and are waiting for his report, at which point they will likely challenge it in court if the 44 hour period is the only point of contention.
It's not garbage. We are waiting to find out what the actual handling protocols are, not what MLB has been doing. I'm also waiting to hear more from the Arbitrator.
Who cares what the written policy says? Google the topic and read what the EXPERTS have to say.
Again, why are you so insistent on defending the loophole, and not using common sense? Are you ok with athletes being dirty, so long as they can exploit the rules and get away with it? If so, just say so, I can at least respect that. Clinging to technicalities is weak, my man.
First, you don't know if protocol was broken or not, unless you've read and understood the legal documents. All we know is that MLB has handled the samples this way.
MLB says it wasn't broken, the collector says it wasn't broken, the lab says it wasn't broken. All of those entities are far more credible than Braun.
And besides, i'll say it again, I don't care if some badly written technicality was broken. It's obvious if you have a brain in your skull that it was Braun's piss in that cup, and that it wasn't tampered with.
That's not the only reason you would have to throw a sample away.
How do you know, Mr. "I'm waiting to hear more and you don't know the policy"?
They know they received a sample with seals. I'm waiting to find out form the Arbitrator on why he ruled the way he did, and if seals could have been tampered with.
Sorry, but on the issue of the seals, you are dense.
Why is this so hard to understand? Watermarked, tamper proof, impossible to replicate serial numbered seals.
There are ZERO reports of tainted seals. None. Zero. Ziltch. Just Braun insinuating that it
could have happened, and hoping people buy into that nonsense, which has clearly worked on a small percentage of people (mostly from Wisconsin, imagine that).
Protocols are put in place for a reason. If protocols are breached, you have to throw the evidence out.
Cling to those technicalities, i'll stick to common sense.
Bob Costas was on The Dan Patrick Show, and tore Braun to shreds. He made a great point. He said, forget the timeline, which science has already debunked, so put that aside. You would have to believe that the collector (or somebody else) broke three watermarked, tamper proof seals designed to be impossible to break without detection, contaminated BOTH of Braun's samples (because both the A & B came up with the same 20/1 ratio) somehow, then resealed the samples somehow despite the fact that the original seals were watermarked, numbered, and everything else. AND, while pulling off this crime, was willing to put himself at risk of a federal felony.
You actually believe that could have occured? You really believe that? If you believe that, you are FUCKING. NUTS.
No motive, no method, no logical chain of events to explain a contamination. Only 'fans' clinging to anything in hopes that this athlete is clean.
The most offensive thing to me, is not that Braun is dirty. I don't really care about that, because I think there are tons of dirty athletes, and I think PED use is still rampant in baseball and most other sports. The offensive thing to me, is Braun's bullshit, the few writers who are pretending to buy it order to stay in good graces with Braun and his agent, and the fact that Braun willingly buried this poor guy in his pathetic attempt to win over the public.
Can we just stop with the lies, and stop with the deflection? Even if Braun didn't intentionally take something, which is entirely possible, he should have just said that and moved on. We wouldn't even be talking about it anymore. Braun made this a bigger story than it had to be, so now that he looks twice as terrible, and well, he made that bed so now he has to lay in it.