So now we know something about the collector.
Really doesn't mean much. Not really the issue.
So here you have Braun, because basically he has no other leg to stand on, killing this poor guy in this sham of a presser on Friday, burying him and insinuating that the guy fucked with the sample, and then Braun has THE BALLS to say "I was falsely accused, so I dont want to falsely accuse somebody else" when he just spent 30 fucking minutes passive aggressively finger pointing the guy! I mean, Braun really makes you sick in this situation.
Ironic, cause that's what you're doing here. We don't know what may or may not have happened. All we know is somebody F'd up.
So you have three seals that were not broken, and one of the best labs in the world that determined that the sample was in pristine condition when it arrived.
You have a sample with seals. You don't know if they are the original seals and if the original seals were broken or not.
Plus, the collector had two other samples with him all weekend of the two other players who were tested, so there goes the idea that he mishandled the samples anyway, because the others came up clean.
Doesn't mean anything other than the other two athletes could have used the same defense.
The entire Braun argument hinges on the idea that this man intentionally fucked with the sample (without breaking the seals). With no motive. And besides the fact that tampering with a sample is nearly impossible,
LOL. Ok, sure, that's plausible.
The argument is that protocol was not followed, so the sample has to be considered invalid.
Let's be real, nobody fucked with that sample, and Braun's argument that somebody could have fucked with the sample is preposterous and impossible to take seriously at this point.
No it's not impossible to take seriously. Protocols are put in place for a reason. If the protocols are not followed, things can be legitimately questioned.
the collectively bargained policy is a joke that needs to be tightened up
You finally hit on something relevant.
And I LOL at you trashing on "conspiracy theory's". You're the one that was trying to discredit the arbitrator saying he only ruled in favor of the player so he doesn't look biased against the players.
You can act all internet tough guy all you want, trying to prove how much smarter you are than others, but to me you're just another anonymous internet message boarder trying to act tough and smart.
The arbitrator ruled that protocol wasn't adhered to. This here is the BIGGEST issue. Protocols are put in place to protect the integrity of the sample. If protocol is broken, the sample has to be considered potentially tainted. That tells me that the sample COULD potentially be tainted or they wouldn't have these protocols in the first place.
So the REAL question is "how did this happen"? Cause the one players quilt or innocence is now unprovable and irrelevant. Just to make things real clear for you, that is in no way saying that Braun is innocent, or that the Currier is guilty of anything other than not following correct protocol. It's just saying that according to the arbitrator, protocol was broken, and it leaves open the potential for the integrity of the sample to be questionable.
So now, either the arbitrator made a wrong ruling and didn't understand the MLB drug testing documents (or according to you, has no integrity and made a ruling purely on professional image), or the Currier messed up, or MLB didn't understand the drug testing documents and gave the Currier's bad instructions. But somewhere their was a breakdown that allowed this to happen and it needs to be tightened up. This is what I've been saying to you from post ONE. This in no way accuses the Currier of anything and it in no way says Braun didn't break the rules.
Then you say the Currier's break this protocol ALL THE TIME. So does that mean a lot of other athletes could use the same defense?
I'm far more concerned with the process and the breakdown than if one athlete is potentially guilty. Because that is all you have, that an athlete may potentially be guilty.