Twigg4075 said:
This game is pretty tough. I really like the new RPG leveling system. It seems like the only way to do certain things is to level up your character first. But what's the best way to do that? And what's the easiest way to earn money? So far I've only been able to buy one property that only gets me $100/hour.
For quick cash, do the Assassination/Chop Shop missions.
But man if the cops weren't right on my ass when I tried jacking my first chop shop car. I couldn't just rip the guy out it seems so I shot his ass and the cops were on me like white on rice. Maybe I was just unlucky?
Each Chop Shop "boss" will give you a list of 6 or so vehicles to steal with increasing money/respect bonuses for completing them.
You also get higher Cop Shield ratings for each car you steal (I've gotten 4 just for a boat once... damn Coast Guard boat was lobbing 120 mm shells at my ass).
What you do is set a waypoint to your garage at Shaundi's Ex's Pad (your first hideout) and drop the vehicle you stole in there.
Run upstairs and into said safehouse to lose any cop/gang attention and then retrieve said vehicle to drop it off with no hassle afterward.
It's cheap but it'll save you a lot of time and money if you can drive well enough... but it's a crapshoot with aircraft/watercraft.
The caveat with doing the SaintsBook missions is that you have to keep tabs on them so you don't accidentally lock yourself out of one because of a story mission you completed or a territory you took over.
Other than that, if you don't care about game dialogue, do all the Blue Side Missions and buy all the property/stores.
Also, call in back-up when you can (
particularly Oleg once you unlock him) and always bring a tank with you when given the opportunity.
That predator drone thing, is it unlimited? I haven't messed with it since that early mission but I'm guessing you basically have to use it to get rid of all the fucking helicopters that appear to kill your ass?
The Predator Drone counts as a "Special Weapon" (same as the McManus Sniper Rifle, the Annihilator Rocket Launcher, the RC Remote and the Remote C4...).
You can reload their ammo at any local Friendly Fire and it's upgradable like the rest of your grenades/guns so you can get more of them as you pay to unlock said upgrades.
As for the early Armory Mission, you were supposed to kill the tanks/humvees, not the Helicopters (until you left that is).
The green dot guys were you own gang; the red dots were the enemy.