What kind of stupid point is this? Remove all aspect of sport that don't involve point accumulation? :rofl:
Hockey is a sport driven by emotion, IMO, more so than any other sport. Fighting is a part of the emotion and can galvanize a team, you'd be aware of this if you've played hockey at any level that involves fighting. But instead, you've never worn skates and seem to know how the sport works.
C'mon armchair hockey player, tell us how the people on TV said....err, how you think it is!
You're worse than Twigg arguing how video games he's never played work under the hood.
I don't know why anyone passes in sport, that doesn't get you goals. Everyone should just shoot once they acquire possession of the goal scoring object.
Vanilla sports, brought to you by the Sharla Brovlovski's of the world. Telling grown men how to live their lives since 2011.
You're not allowed to fight in hockey! You might get hurt, sorry, find another career. Now excuse me while I go guzzle back a 12 box at the pub and illegally be intoxicated in public while I stumble home...and don't you dare tell me I can't break the rules! Only you pro fighter, you can't, but me, I can do whatever I want!
Let me guess, anti choice and don't support pulling the plug either? Let em suffer! No choice for anyone! Rape babies for all the wimenz! You don't get to live your life, there's one way to doing it and that's my way!