I just shake my head.
People consumed with statistics just don't get it and clearly never will.
It's like I said pages ago in this thread, it's not about statistics with Tebow. He will never have good looking statistics. He is the most unique player the league has seen in decades. He plays the QB position in such a way that evaluating him on stats makes no sense. Half the plays Denver runs with Tebow are designed QB runs. The passing plays are single read with one check down. He will never go 25-31 with 350 yards. The offense is not designed that way, and frankly, he cant do that anyway.
Bottom line is he produces TD's at a better than average rate, doesn't turn the ball over, and the team is 3-1. Kyle f'n Orton can throw for 300 meanigless yards all game long, but if he fails to get the team in the end zone, and turns the ball over, the team loses.
TD's + no TO's = wins. Doesn't matter how you achieve that.
...and anyone who fails to buy into the idea that a player can have a winning intangible, or that a player can make people around him better & play harder, has never played competitive sports.