As the weeks pass and Tebow rides the roller-coaster of performance from game to game, quarter to quarter, play to play, one thing is becoming clear: His legacy will not be about what he does. It will be about his potential, and how it bought him time to either shine or collapse - and either way, how he took the Broncos with him. It will be about a player who was given a chance because somebody believed in him. It will be about the faith that even when things go horribly, horribly wrong... that someday, they will go right.
It's fitting for a man as religious as he that his profession will come down to somebody's belief in him. That somebody must unwaveringly commit to him and trust that no matter what happens, things will be ok.
It isn't about Tebow or his faith, it's about everyone elses. The question becomes, how long will the Broncos wait for Tebow to become the player he is capable of being?