The Miami Dolphins have scheduled the most asinine sports promotion since the Cleveland Indians' infamous 10-Cent Beer Night in 1974.
That major-league game, tied at 5 in the bottom of the ninth, was halted and forfeited to the Rangers on account of what the plate umpire termed "uncontrollable beasts."
On Oct. 23, when the Broncos play in South Florida, the Dolphins will honor Tim Tebow, a quarterback for the opposing team.
Here are a couple of ideas: When the Broncos open the season on Monday night, Sept. 12, against the Raiders, why don't they hold a halftime celebration for Al Davis? Or how about a special game glorifying Jay Cutler (bubblehead dolls) when the Bears come to town Dec. 11?
The Dolphins are having problems selling out their season tickets (even sideline seats were available on the team's website Monday), and many home games are in danger of being blacked out on local TV, according to The Miami Herald.
'Phin heads, or Pinheads, decided to use Tebow as a star attraction (Gator Bait?), although he probably won't play a moment in the game.
The Broncos opened last season on the road at Jacksonville, which had seven blackouts in 2009. The tarps that cover 9,700 seats at the stadium and the presence of Tebow, the hometown hero, combined to help "sell out" the game. Tebow rushed twice for 2 yards.
Dolphins CEO Mike Dee announced proudly on Saturday night during the team's exhibition with Tampa Bay that the 2008 University of Florida football team (which beat Oklahoma in the BCS championship at the same stadium), will be saluted at the Dolphins' game with the Broncos.
The quarterback of those No. 1 Gators was Tebow.
Are the Dolphins planning to give Tim a commemorative plaque at midfield just before kickoff? A standing ovation?
The team is paying former Florida coach Urban Meyer to participate, and several other former Gators have agreed to attend. Dolphins center Mike Pouncey was a guard on the 2008 team.
For $115, Florida alumni get a pregame party and a meet-and- greet (without Tebow, who will be in the Broncos' locker room) and a ticket to the game, during which the Florida band and mascot will entertain because the Gators have an off week.
This grand Gator gala will take place at a stadium that also is the home of the University of Miami. Hurricanes fanatics are unhappy — as if they don't already have enough to be sad about. Miami ultimately could be facing the NCAA "death penalty" for alleged violations and shenanigans from 2002-10. Now, the Dolphins are paying tribute to one of Miami's two fiercest in-state recruiting rivals.
Nevin Shapiro, the Miami booster who is in the eye of the Miami hurricane (and also in prison), claimed he put a $5,000 bounty on Tebow's head before the 2008 Miami-Florida game.
So, there's this ongoing Tebow Thing in the state of Florida too.
After all the negative reactions, Dee tried to sugar('Cane)-coat the issue when he said to The Sun-Sentinel on Monday: "Are we surprised? Maybe a little . . . As it relates to having to aggressively market the Dolphins and tickets to our games, we have to be agnostic." Odd word choice.
Dee said the franchise reached out to both schools in "early to mid- July," and Miami chose to hold a reunion for its last national championship team of 10 years ago at one of its own home games.
July, huh?
For conspiracy theorists, didn't the Dolphins and the Broncos start talking about a trade of Kyle Orton sometime in July?
That proposed deal made it clear that the Broncos' EFX had decided Tebow would be the starting quarterback. Then, the 2011 Dolphins-Broncos game would pit Orton vs. Tebow. No promotion necessary.
Now, it appears, barring unforeseen circumstances before Oct. 23, Orton (whom the Broncos still are thrilled to have as their starter) will be matched against Chad Henne (whom the Dolphins claim they still are thrilled to have as their starter), while Tebow sits.
However, because of their sticky- ticket scheme, the Dolphins will learn, as I have the past year, that lots of Florida folks, because of you know who, have become Broncos backers.