There was a certain pleasure in simply once again deleting Impact off my PVR unwatched...
The most amusing part of TNA to me at the moment is the way that TNA-philes on other sites try to spin everything into positives. How Immortal clearly isn't an NWO ripoff since its not absolutely identical to NWO in every way. Or how its fantastic that Impact this week featured more than 12 minutes of wresltling, since last week's didn't. Or how great of a company they are and how much they care, since they allowed Nigel McGuiness to take time off from his comedy jobber role to heal up... even though TNA pays by appearance so he's not getting anything from them for the time anyway.
I don't even bother pointing out the flaws in their logic at this point. Or post the myriad of articles that talk about how poorly TNA pay some of their talent, especially the Knockouts. Like Madison Rayne - the Knockouts champion at the time - reportedly missing house shows because she couldn't afford to travel. Or Taylor Wilde having a day job at a Sunglasses Hut when she was Knockouts champion. But yes, TNA care...
The most amusing part of TNA to me at the moment is the way that TNA-philes on other sites try to spin everything into positives. How Immortal clearly isn't an NWO ripoff since its not absolutely identical to NWO in every way. Or how its fantastic that Impact this week featured more than 12 minutes of wresltling, since last week's didn't. Or how great of a company they are and how much they care, since they allowed Nigel McGuiness to take time off from his comedy jobber role to heal up... even though TNA pays by appearance so he's not getting anything from them for the time anyway.
I don't even bother pointing out the flaws in their logic at this point. Or post the myriad of articles that talk about how poorly TNA pay some of their talent, especially the Knockouts. Like Madison Rayne - the Knockouts champion at the time - reportedly missing house shows because she couldn't afford to travel. Or Taylor Wilde having a day job at a Sunglasses Hut when she was Knockouts champion. But yes, TNA care...