I went to Survivor Series last night...the overall experience was nice. Has suite seats in the Dewar's Lounge...best seats I've ever had at a WWE show...was sitting right behind the production crew behind the hard camera. Was cool to see it happen. For a "live show" everything went extremely smooth...even if there was a lighting issue, no panic by anybody...its impressive how the WWE works from a production standpoint. They are bad with piping in cheers and whatnot though, its rather obvious.
As for the show...
- The most underrated performer in the WWE is John Morrison...I now know why he is a face (kids love him and he is simply likable, even though his best character is probably as a heel). The only thing he lacks has been the opportunity to have big, memorable matches and substantial feuds. Is this thing with Sheamus a substantial feud, no...but, it is giving him the opportunity to perform with a guy the E sees as a legitimate heavyweight champion. The guy sells like no other in the E (sans maybe, Danielson). He was selling the leg hard against Sheamus and was hitting his spots one legged (dude did a spring board on one leg!). I'm with W2BTD with this guy...he's underrated. He's a good worker...he just needs a memorable match. I'm not sure how it came off on TV, but Morrison pulled Sheamus through a strong match.
-The two guys that immediately make you sit on your hands or take a bathroom break are Ted Dibiase and Drew McIntyre...literally, no one gives a fuck about them. No reaction from each.
- Danielson gets a strong pop. It isn't CM Punk level love, but he gets a strong pop and I think he had a nice opener against DiBiase, who sucks. I think the WWE did some strong work on the under card pairing strong workers with not-so-strong workers, and the results were pretty good. Live, I did enjoy some of the under card matches.
- I'll tell you what, I know he is not a W2B fave...but I think a strong mid-card heel is Dolph Ziggler. Yeah, he works a slow-ish WWE style...but I feel he does it or can do it better than most...I think he is capable of being a staple in the mid-card. Natural heel charisma, good look, I think he is a better than advertised worker, and people love to boo the fuck out of him (along with Nexus, more on that later). "Creative" must be kicking themselves for giving him such a shitty name. The match with Kaval was sloppy, but it wasn't terrible, and I can see how some would think it was good. It was just sloppy with some sloppy spots, but it kept eyes glued. So, I guess it worked.
- The traditional Survivor Series match was fun...it wasn't great, but it was fun. Sadly, I would have expected Alberto Del Rio to get a big pop down here in Miami, but alas, no...I don't think the old hispanics realize he is Dos Caras Jr. who they loved when they watch Lucha Libre (and they do down here, a lot). If they did, I think he'd get a better reaction.
-The most natural pop of the night, and maybe one of the biggest was actually MVP when they announced he was from Miami. Just a nice, natural, roar of the crowd with a lot of U's thrown up. Awful booking having him lose first...he should have been there toward the end, because the crowd ate him up.
- The Big Show got a huge pop too, and Mysterio is so over with the kids, its silly...I think its a combination of the mask, his flippidy do da stuff, and the fact he is short as fuck that he relates to kids. Saw and met Big Show on Friday, at the Heat game actually, to which I, in a while collared shirt said to him "This...This is Andre's!"...the fact that he got the reference and laughed his ass off makes me a huge mark for Big Show right now.
- The last four matches (Divas - bathroom break...Edge/Kane...Tag Title...Barrett/Orton) were absolute shit and sullied my evening...
- First off...having the Miz come out for a promo at the beginning of the show basically told you he was NOT cashing it in TONIGHT...that sucked and was poorly booked. Most people thought he was going to make a run in tonight and to take the wind out of the sail early sucked. The promo was amazing...and got huge heat...but it was done at the wrong time.
- Divas match...I went to the bathroom and came back just as Natalya put on the Sharpshooter...I think Beth Phoenix got new tits in her time off?
- Edge has to be the worst main eventer in regards to match quality that is actually capable of better than I can remember. Edge has been heel-to-face and face-to-heel so many times, I can't get behind him. I want to like Edge, but I just can't right now. He is always giving shitty matches with junk story. I mean, I know its Kane and they threw this together like 2 weeks ago...but, damn...turrible. Edge is at the bottom of the guys I'd want to see list.
-Tag match...sucked. I mean, can you say much else?
- Barrett v. Orton...talk about a poor non-payoff...holy shit...brutal. I went to this show for the sole purpose of seeing Barrett win and even if he didn't win, see something significant (whether it was Miz for the run in, or some great Cena/Barrett confrontation). I got basically, the worst possible outcome for this show. I very dull match, with little to no interaction with Cena (Cena needed to be a real conflicted character in this match and needed to be a chief character, and was generally, secondary in regards to how they sold the psychology of the match). The whole push-push-RKO was turrible. It was just sloppily done with no payoff.