I disagree. He stands out because he's different. His gimmick is he has no gimmick, and that he's "the best in the world".
Like biss said, he only needs to make on phone call, and he's working WWE tommorow. They clearly like him, because they allowed him to win clean over a contracted guy (Lance Cade) in his "tryout" (it was more of a showcase). They never do that. He has plenty of allies in the company...Regal, Jim Ross, and most inmportantly, HBK.
The other thing about Danielson, is he dosen't need the E. He's realistic enough to know he'd be a mid carder, and he's noted that he actually makes more money working indies than his friends who work the mid card in the WWE. Obviously he's the exception, because he gets booked by all the top indy groups and works Japan (NOAH) a few times per year.
He calls his own shots, makes enough money to live a decent life, and still finds time to train MMA and do all his humanitarian shit. Plus, he's still only in his 20's. He has plenty of time to do "corporate" prowres if he wants.