So I ussally would not do this but im so proud of this show and the had work that went into it and how well it came off
these are the results for ACW from this past weekend
Pre-Show Match - el Chupacabra (win) vs. Brent Masters
Match # 1 - Lucha Trios Match
Team El Paso: JC Hendrix, JT Smooth & Massive vs. Team Smurf: JC Bravo, Chingo Smurf & Berry Breeze (win)
Match # 2 - Young Guns U-30 Title Match
(order eliminated) Problems vs. Super-Electro vs. Champion Gary Jay (win & retain title)
Match # 3 - Davey Vega with Gary Jay vs. "Bio-Hazard" Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 4 - Alektra Blue with Team Smurf vs. Daizee Haze (win)
Match # 5 - Winner gets title shot - one fall to a finish
Rory Fox vs. Spiro (win) vs. Gregory Symonds
Match # 6 - Tag Team Match
Team Mo-Faux: Julio Garza & "Lunar Eclipse" Junior Garza vs. The Children of Pain: Jacob Ladder & Darin Childs with Jacob Ladder Jr. (win)
Match # 7 - Falls count anywhere, come as you are street fight
Daffney Unger vs. Rachel Summerlyn (win)
Match # 8 - Shawn Vexx vs. "One Man" Mike Dell (win)
Match # 9 - Tag Title Match
Challengers - The Submission Squad: Pierre Abernathy & Evan Gelistico vs. Champions - Jerry Lynn & "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers (win & retain title)
Match # 10 - Main Event - Triple Threat for Heavyweight Title
Delirious vs. Masada vs. Champion JT LaMotta (win & retain title)
these are the results for ACW from this past weekend
Pre-Show Match - el Chupacabra (win) vs. Brent Masters
Match # 1 - Lucha Trios Match
Team El Paso: JC Hendrix, JT Smooth & Massive vs. Team Smurf: JC Bravo, Chingo Smurf & Berry Breeze (win)
Match # 2 - Young Guns U-30 Title Match
(order eliminated) Problems vs. Super-Electro vs. Champion Gary Jay (win & retain title)
Match # 3 - Davey Vega with Gary Jay vs. "Bio-Hazard" Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 4 - Alektra Blue with Team Smurf vs. Daizee Haze (win)
Match # 5 - Winner gets title shot - one fall to a finish
Rory Fox vs. Spiro (win) vs. Gregory Symonds
Match # 6 - Tag Team Match
Team Mo-Faux: Julio Garza & "Lunar Eclipse" Junior Garza vs. The Children of Pain: Jacob Ladder & Darin Childs with Jacob Ladder Jr. (win)
Match # 7 - Falls count anywhere, come as you are street fight
Daffney Unger vs. Rachel Summerlyn (win)
Match # 8 - Shawn Vexx vs. "One Man" Mike Dell (win)
Match # 9 - Tag Title Match
Challengers - The Submission Squad: Pierre Abernathy & Evan Gelistico vs. Champions - Jerry Lynn & "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers (win & retain title)
Match # 10 - Main Event - Triple Threat for Heavyweight Title
Delirious vs. Masada vs. Champion JT LaMotta (win & retain title)