DiBiase works the exact style that WWE wants, and he does it very well. As everyone probably knows, I find that style incredibly bland and boring to watch.
If you notice, when they bring new guys up from FCW, they all work this same style. How many ECW matches have you seen with Vance Archer, the new tag team video game geeks, Woo Woo Woo guy, etc, with this formula:
-Face starts off hot, knocks heel out of the ring, cut to commercial
-Back from commercial, heel uses illegal tactic (trasition spot)
-Long resthold, usually the trademark Orton reverse chinlock or side headlock
-False comeback, highspot, another resthold.
-Big babyface comeback, either resulting in victory, or heel uses another cheap tactic to win.
*Match always ends with signature finisher*
Forget the young guys on ECW, this is how 90% of all WWE tv matches go.
It's what they teach, it;s what they want. And DiBiase is an exact clone of Orton, HHH, et al.