I wouldn't call anything with Bryan, Punk, The Shield, and the Wyatts all grouped together a "mid card dump". These are all top acts. This is a top program and honestly probably a better place to be than the goofy spot opposite Randy Orton which is a soap opera slot that isn't drawing because people hate it. The title is involved as a plot device, but it's just another McMahon power play angle long term, which is exactly what I said the day after SummerSlam. The title that matters has shifted to the big gold belt because that's the one Cena has.
It was established that Bryan was "better" than Orton over & over again, doesn't need the title in this case to show that, the real heat is between Bryan & the McMahons because they successfully screwed him. If he never gets the one up on them, then that's a disaster. He already got it on Orton, title or not.
They had to move away from the Bryan thing because it went on for months & months and never drew anything. The program wasn't working, either because nobody likes it, Bryan isn't a needle mover at that level, or the most likely scenario, a little bit of both.
Nobody wants to hear this, but i'm not sure you can entirely blame the awful program because Bryan didn't even draw at SummerSlam with Cena, or immediately after before they bait & switched a thousand times. Then Cena comes back and everything jumps up again. People like Bryan, he is a star, but he's not a big time draw and he never will be as long as he's a cartoon character. If he is something closer to Bryan Danielson, i'm betting the McMahon angle would have drawn better. He's a cartoon who may not be played for laughs, but he's also not perceived as "serious". That is the problem far more than not winning the silly title and holding it imo.