Orton hits Cena because he's a bitch.
Everyone splits the two up because they need to make it look like the fight can't be contained.
Orton gets fussy and wacks Punk in the face because he's dumb.
Punk, being the guy he is, takes offense to this gesture and slugs Orton.
Triple H wants this bullshit to stop so he pie-faces Punk.
Punk gets back up and wacks Triple H.
HBK sees this and Superkicks Punk to help his buddy.
Danielson sees this and Busaiku Knee's the shit out of Shawn's face to help out his buddy.
Orton goes to RKO Danielson because, again, he's being a little bitch.
Instead, Danielson is thrust face-first into Stephanie, K.O.'ing her.
Triple H loses his shit and Pedigree's Orton.
We last see a shot of Triple H, Stephanie, Libertarian Kane and Cena hovering over a confused Orton as it seems like the Authority finally have their TRUE face of the company to back.
Meanwhile, Orton looks in horror as he sees he's fucked up royally.
I like it.
I wanna see the PPV.
I also want to see the Cena/Danielson II rematch that was hinted at.
Punk/Triple H II? Not so much, but they planted seeds if Punk gets past The Shield alive.