Speaking of Cena, on 7/24, he was in Cleveland for the National sports Collectors convention, along with heavy hitters like Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, John Elway, Joe Namath, Lawrence Taylor, Reggie Jackson, Whitey Ford and Dan Marino. Cena had completed his signing session and was browsing the memorabilia dealers and came upon some game used NFL helmets. He went nuts. He started grabbing helmet after helmet, and started asking fans which helmets he should get. After about ten minutes, he settled on 32 helmets for a price of $7,200. On his way out, he saw a fan who was a quadriplegic in a wheelchair and on a ventilator. Cena and the boy talked for a few minutes and the boy must have said something about how cool it would be to get a Ken Griffey Jr. signed bat. Cena, with a big smile on his face, peeled off three $100 bills (price was $295), gave them to the boy to buy the bat and told him to keep the change. When the boy said to him, "You're the man," Cena came back and said, "No, you're the real man." This wasn't a publicity stunt and there were no cameras there and you won't be seeing it on TV and you wouldn't be hearing about it except a couple of my friends were right there when it happened.