Real good episode of NXT, it's the best wrestling show on TV right now (which isnt saying much).
-They need to be careful about constantly telling the audience that Danielson is boring/bland/vanilla, because reputations are hard to kick in wrestling. He seems to have connected with the live crowds, so as I suspected, his sneaky charisma is poking through.
Eventually, Danielson goes over big guess is he wins the whole damn thing...
-The company loves Otunga, he is said to be the office favorite (along with Danielson), but he's pretty green in the ring. He carries himself well, though.
Very raw, just needs time...he's got a certain umph about him though...I think he can do some things.
-Heath Slater sucks.
Holy Christ, does he ever.
-I'm a big fan of Wade Barrett. The guy oozes heel charisma.
Easily the best of the bunch, right next to AmDrag
-Tarver does nothing for me. Blah.
Who gives a fuck about this guy?
-Ditto for Skip Sheffield, but his TV time has been limited, so I'll reserve final judgement.
-I like Justin Angel/Justin Gabriel alot. He's clearly the most polished performer aside from AmDrag, and has looked very good.
If Evan Bourne can make can Gabriel...would have been good on an ECW show
-What the hell is the deal with Young? Is he black? White with a Jersey Shore tan? He looks oddly like John Cena. The odd thing about him, is he hasnt looked very good thus far, but all of the clips they show of him from FCW make him look like he has great star presence. It just hasnt translated on NXT. (sidenote-CM Punk is all kinds of awesome on this show)
He looks insanely awkward...however, my guess is this guy is the next part of the Straight Edge Society