Isn't a knock against Montana in comparison to other greats his numbers not really being that great and him playing with other great players throughout his career? When it is all said and done what will separate Montana from Tom Brady? I really don't agree with the teammate argument, but I've also never understood why Montana is held is such high esteem.
Doesnt hold water.
His passing numbers are in line with everyone else.
20 years in the league yet Manning already has 1500 more attempts , Marino almost 3000 more and Favre almost double the amount of attempts.
Normally I dont bother with an ATT stat but his Yards per attempt and completion are higher or near identical to the Marino , Favres who put up astronomical numbers.
He won
TWO superbowls before Rice, Taylor , Haley , Millen, Romanowski etc showed up. One before Craig showed up and in his first SB yr his leading rusher had about 500 yards.
Not only did he carry a team to the playoffs (Marino) or carry his team to the SB (Elway) but he won 2 superbowls.
He didnt set up chipshot FGs (Brady) he led 2 of the most famous TD drives in playoff history and was the MVP of every SB he played. He didnt hand it off or rely on his defense to win games (Aikman,Bradshaw,Brady). He was the focal point and catalyst of 4 SB winning teams. Led some of the greatest teams of all time.
In an era with Marino , Elway , Kelly it was Montana who took home the hardware regardless of what he was asked or what team he had.
The surrounding talent , stat argument is hollow.
Is he perfect or flawless ? No
But since 1980 no QB is in the argument with Montana.
Only 2-3 football players at most IMO can claim to be better suited for a top5 all time list.
Unitas , Graham Im fine with.