Name any other position where you can definitively say Player X is the best of all time and virtually nobody with half a brain will argue. QB? No, people constantly debate the rankings of Montana, Marino, Elway, Unitas, etc. RB? Its really a three man race with Barry, Payton, and Jim Brown, but you could make a case for any of them. How are you going to definitively call someone the greatest NFL player of all time when you cant even 100% say theyre the best at their own position ever. Rice is, hands down, without a shadow of a doubt, the best WR to ever play the game.
I think you must have not watched this series.
1. The longer youve been watching the less the RB position is a "3 man race" OJ,Dickerson,Sayers,Bronko and others were all in the conversation.
Its Jim Brown and everyone else.
Ernie Acorsi said "In all my years Ive never come across anyone that didnt acknowledge Jim Brown as the greatest RB ever.
Only* person I can name that has credibility is John Madden who picks Walter Payton. The only RB in the same breath as Brown every single convo.
*FirstTimer also picks Payton but that guy has no credibility :lolwut:
Barry/Emmit backers need to realize this league didnt start in 1989.
While I personally feel there resumes put them in the top 4. Theres a handful of guys that are in the convo and can easily replace them in a top 5 list.
The gaps between 2-8 in this group are as small as any position.
2. Anthony Munoz is the greatest player at his position ever. The gap between him and no2 is the greatest there is.
Ronnie Lott is also synonymous with GOAT at S. Considering the total lack of respect Safeties get you can argue his gap is as big as anyones to no.2
3. Two Words....DON HUTSON.
Many still feel hes the greatest WR ever. The numbers he put up in comparison were astronomical. The time it took for others to match him is bordering on retarded. At the time of retirement no player in league history was as dominant at a position. No player has ever matched that level of dominance since.
No Jim Brown at #1????? Epic F-A-I-L.
Agreed. I will say once I saw how they ranked and decided guys I understood it. Im pretty sure a couple of guys held early retirement against him and gave him a 9.