Really? Consecutive Pro Bowl selections for all three of these players would tell me they would be pretty close.
The popularity contest known as the Pro Bowl does not equate to being an All Pro, dipshit. Especially when both Adams and the were named as alternates in that same timespan.
Well he was in the Probowl for three straight years. Not bad for a slow footed waste huh?
Like I said, for a two year span, he was a hell of a lot better than he was in Arizona, but he didn't just magically turn into this "All-Pro" beast upon signing in Dallas and blocking for one of the best QBs and (at the time) one of the most ferocious runners in football.
If this was an argument about Leonard Davis being an all pro right now, this point would mean something.
It's one hell of a dropoff for a guy only two years removed from being this "All Pro" lineman to not even get a phone call from someone.
Which was 2 years before Romo became the starter. But I'm sure the rest of your argument will make more sense...
It does, because at that point he wasn't, nor was he ever, an "All Pro".
...and I was wrong. A top 5 tackle isn't an all pro calibur tackle? Shit, you have some lofty standards pal.
Well, at least you admit it.
I said Top 5 -ish, meaning he was in the conversation, in the same way that say, Eli Manning is in the Top 10 QB conversation but really isn't one of the 10 best.
And no, even if he was Top 5, that is not an "All Pro", as you claim.
Really? You mean they couldn't make a 40 year old Brad Johnson and a 38 year old John Kitna look good? Got me there bro.
If that line were truly made up of all these "All Pro's", as you call them, well, surely any QB they put back there would be adequately protected and as such, put up numbers at least in the ballpark of what Tony Romo was doing. Johnson may have been shot, but he could still make some throws and Kinna's really no different now than he was 4-5 years ago.
Drew Bledsoe's slow ass was getting destroyed by that "All Pro" group, part of the reason Romo took his job in the first place.
The only one "acting" like they know anything around here is you.
I'm not presuming to know Philly's line situation because I honestly don't know, nor do I care. But you better damn well know what you're talking about when you bring my team and QB into this conversation and it's clear to me you don't. There was never a group of "All Pro" linemen blocking for Tony Romo. No matter how many times you say it, it won't be true.
I don't need to "act", I've studied this team inside and out for the last 20 years. You? You're just throwing shit at the wall. Eventually something will stick.