I can't respond to this, because I have no idea what you are saying. I'm not complaining that Dansby had the ball. I was simply stating a fact. Dansby had the ball after the scrum unpiled. Did Pittsburgh actually have the ball at the bottom of the pile? If so, then how did Dansby end up with the ball? If so, then why didn't the refs just say the Steelers recovered the ball in the endzone and be done with it? If the Steelers DIDN'T have the ball at the bottom of the pile, then how can you ignore the one shred of evidence that we have, which is Dansby had the ball? Here is what I saw...
1. Roethlisberger fumbles into the endzone
2. It APPEARS that two Dolphin players fall on the ball
3. Scrum ensues
4. TV camera shows refs huddling and Dansby handing the ball to refs
So, again, at what point is it unclear that Miami didn't recover the ball? At what point, are you thinking "The Steelers may have recovered the ball", which would HAVE to happen for the recovery to be in dispute. I disagree with the refs call, because they DIDN'T say "we blew the play dead when we signaled the TD". They tried to weasel out of their mistake by saying, essentially, "even though we blew the play dead, we want to make it seem like we gave Miami a chance to recover the fumble, but they screwed it up."