I beat Limbo last night and loved it. I don't mind the $15 dollar price on DeathSpank and Limbo because they're well produced games that are fantastic. If charging an extra $5 bucks allows them to take more risks with creative properties like this, then I'm all for it. The fact that arcade games used to be $10 really makes no difference to me, because the great arcade games that I've played (Shadow Complex, Braid, Limbo, DeathSpank, Puzzle Quest 1 & 2) have all been better than any $10 game that I've purchased.
Back to Limbo, the last few puzzles are a fucking mindfuck. When I started the game I thought that the achievement where you have to complete the game in one sitting dying 5 or less times would be easy. I died 4 times on the final puzzle alone AFTER I had figured out what to do.
Back to Limbo, the last few puzzles are a fucking mindfuck. When I started the game I thought that the achievement where you have to complete the game in one sitting dying 5 or less times would be easy. I died 4 times on the final puzzle alone AFTER I had figured out what to do.