alright just rocked the demo a bit.
SP is super short, like 10 mins tops.
Game has a cool style to it, the cover system is a bit of a pain in the dick, and shooting at range is horribly inaccurate for some reason. Still thought it was interesting and want to play it.
MP was a fuckin riot lol.
8 human players start as robbers perched up to take out a bank van. Shoot up some AI real quick then everyone races down to get the cash, so I"m just running around trying to figure shit out (tip: stand on the money bags till they are gone to collect it!).
So we all get some bank and make our way through the alleys to the van. Cops n shit around...and oh wait some asshole is trying to jack some other dude on our side and everyone just pumps the traitor LOL.
We jack his loot and keep moving, that dead traitor spawns as a cop.
Again it happens, some dude takes another dude hostage right beside me. I fucking pump him full of lead and jack his stash, only for the dude I saved to turn on me and take it all FML!
I spawn as a cop and merc one of the remaining two getting away, one guy makes off with a buttload, one cop recouped much of his and everyone else got next to squat.
lol. fun shit.