What if T.Bone Pickens decides he's going to die soon, wants to see some championships, and decides to spend his fortune on paying for players to come to Kentucky? And then Phil Knight does the same at Oregon? You have no issue with turning these players into millionaires, and completely blowing up the entire structure of college sports?
Why do this? Get tougher and force people to comply. It isn't diifficult, its just that nobody has the balls to do it. Or in some cases, they have financial interest to protect.
That's the thing, I don't WANT them to do that, but I recognize that the structure of college sports at least "big time" college sports at the Division 1 level is completely blown up.
If you want to play for the passion of the game and still want to pursue your education there's D2 and D3 for you. However, once you start getting into billion dollar television contracts and college specific television stations hasn't the "structure" already been blown up?
It's not that I don't think kids are properly compensated, I just don't like the time, effort and money that's put into this fascade of "student-athletes" and the pride of college athletics. We all know it's big business, we know what's going on behind the scenes... it's stupid to lie to themselves and to us. Just treat it for what it is.